Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya

Activity: Visiting an external institution typesVisiting an external academic institution


BGER ACTLab collaboration with Nagoya Institute of Technology

Research on the use of Prof Stoten’s adaptive control algorithms for the stabilisation of non-linear discrete-element method simulations was the basis for discussions with Professor Kenichi Maeda at NIT. A PhD student at Nagoya, Mr Akihiko Kondo has now established a working system that incorporates a simple discrete element model (DEM) within Matlab/Simulink. The next steps will be to extend the method to 2-D and 3-D, with increasingly complex (nonlinear) DEM models. Contact was also made with Dr Kenta Seki of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Dr Kenta’s research interests closely align with those of Prof Stoten. Dr Kenta will be visiting Bristol in early March 2013 with a view to obtaining funding to support collaborative research.
Period1 Nov 201231 Mar 2013
VisitingNagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya