RWA Look Imagine Write Competition Invited Judge

Activity: Other activity typesOther


A schools' art writing competition based at the Royal West of England Academy in Bristol. We are delighted that the following four schools will attend: Christchurch, Clifton, Christchurch, Downend, Hotwells Primary and St Peter and St Pauls, Redland, the children are from Years 3 to 6. ( We worked with a secondary school in an older age group in a different way and they will not submit to the competition.) We are hoping that all/most of children will feel able to produce a piece of writing of up to 500 words responding to their chosen work of art and including one made up word hidden in the text. We will ask each teacher to nominate one child whom they feel is eligible for a progress prize: an individual that has shown a substantial leap in their creativity or writing skills. As organisers we will then shortlist down from all the schools' entries to an additional 25 texts we feel are the strongest to display in the gallery for the remainder of the exhibition.

Period24 May 2018
Held atRoyal West of England Academy, United Kingdom
Degree of RecognitionRegional


  • art writing
  • art history in schools
  • look, imagine, write