"The Role of Health Care Professionals in Health Service Innovation" - British Academy of Management SIG Workshop

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


I was the lead organiser of this workshop funded by BAM Researcher Development Grant as part of the research project on CCGs and telehealth. Panel discussions with eminent experts in the field triggered engaging and productive discussions among all participants.
As we know health care professionals are faced with challenges in the innovation of the health service to increase efficiencies and improve patients’ outcomes. Their valuable set of skills and pool of knowledge can contribute towards workable solutions in health service innovation. Yet, health care professionals are very busy people, overstretched with resources. They require will, effort, breaking cultural barriers and changing routines to implement and make health service innovations work effectively. The workshop offered the opportunity to learn about recent advancements in professional studies of health service innovation and share and discuss research experience and ideas on how to advance research agenda in the field. The workshop discussions focused on three main themes: the implications of IT-enabled integrated care for inter- and intra-professional collaboration; how knowledge sharing across professional boundaries within and outside the health sector (e.g. universities) can contribute to health service innovation; the role of professional power and identities in health service innovation.
Period24 Oct 2014
Event typeConference
LocationLondon, United KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational