Changes in Cooling Degree Days (CDD) between the 1.5ºC and 2.0ºC global warming scenarios

  • Sarah N. Sparrow (Creator)
  • Malcolm McCulloch (Creator)
  • Radhika Khosla (Creator)
  • Jesus Lizana (Creator)
  • David C H Wallom (Creator)
  • Nicole D. Miranda (Creator)
  • Miriam Zachau-Walker (Creator)
  • Peter A G Watson (Creator)



These NetCDF V4 files (*.nc) contain the absolute and relative mean increase of cooling degree days (CDDs) from 1.5ºC to 2ºC global warming scenarios. Additionally, the standard deviation is provided. The data has a horizontal resolution of 0.833 longitude and 0.556 latitude over the land surface. These annual CDDs and standard deviation globally were calculated using an ensemble of 700 simulations per climate change scenario. Cooling degree days (CDDS) were calculated for the ensemble members using the temperature threshold of 18ºC. Then, annual mean CDDs and standard deviation per coordinate across ensemble members were obtained for the 1.5ºC and 2ºC scenarios. Finally, absolute and relative differences between 1.5ºC and 2ºC were computed. The climate data, involving 700 simulations per scenario, was generated using the HadAM4P Atmosphere-only General Circulation Model (AGCM) from the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. Three scenarios were generated: historical (2006-16), 1.5ºC and 2ºC. The simulation outputs were mean temperatures with a 6-hour timestep and a horizontal resolution of 0.833 longitude and 0.556 latitude. Simulations took place within (CPDN) climate simulation, which uses the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) framework. Biases in simulated temperature were identified and corrected using a quantile mapping approach.
Date made available15 Mar 2023
PublisherUniversity of Oxford

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