Dataset and Software: Heat Transfer in Pyroclastic Density Current - Ice Interactions: Insights from Experimental and Numerical Simulations



This repository contains experiment data and executable MATLAB codes for the research article 'Heat Transfer in Pyroclastic Density Current - Ice Interactions: Insights from Experimental and Numerical Simulations'. Contained within the experiment data file Valeetal_Data.Zip are: Temperature, melt and steam data separated by particle type. See files: Ballotini_Data_Valeetal Pumice_Data_Valeetal Ruapehu_Data_Valeetal Melt and steam summary data plots. See file: Data_Plots_Valeetal Document with figures to demonstrate system behaviours. See file: Valeetal_SI01_JGR Contained within the model data file are simulation data and codes that implement, process, and plot numerical solutions to the mathematical model. See README.txt for a brief description of each file.
Date made available2023

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