


Data required for the ExoTiC-LD GitHub package. 

Individual stellar model grids can be downloaded and used with the ExoTiC-LD package

kurucz.zip : 1D Kurucz stellar model grid and mu valuesstagger.zip: 3D Stagger-grid from Magic et al. (2015)MPS stellar model grid from Kostogryz, Nadiia, 2022, "An extended MPS-ATLAS library of stellar model atmospheres and spectra", https://doi.org/10.17617/3.NJ56TR, Edmond, V2
Set 1 (this is the default for the ExoTiC-LD package)Set 2

You will also need to download the sensitivity.zip files which are the instrument mode throughputs required to calculate the correct limb-darkening coefficients for the correct wavelength ranges. 
Date made available11 Feb 2022

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