Passive Imaging of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary

  • Catherine Rychert (Creator)
  • Michael Kendall (Creator)
  • Nicholas Harmon (Creator)



The science team will systematically image the entire length of an oceanic plate, from its birth at the Mid Atlantic Ridge to its oldest formation on the African margin. This is a large-scale focused effort with multiple scales of resolution and sensitivity, from a metre to kilometre scale using seismic and electromagnetic methods. This scale, focus, and interdisciplinary approach will finally determine the processes and properties that make a plate strong and define it. The project will be accomplished through a large, focused international collaboration that involves EU partners (3.5 M euro) and industry (6.4M euro), both already funded.
Date made available1 Jan 2016
PublisherInternational Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks
Date of data production1 Jan 2016 - 1 Jan 2017
Geospatial polygon-5.0, -10.0, 5.0, -25.0

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