Processed InSAR images over the volcanoes of the East African Rift



This data set contains a set of 20,740 unwrapped, geocoded interferograms derived from Sentinel-1 InSAR scenes processed over 63 volcanoes within the East African Rift system. A full description of the dataset is provided in the accompanying READMe file. This data set was first published in Albino, F. & Biggs, J. (2020). Magmatic processes in the east African rift system: Insights from a 2015-2020 Sentinel-1 InSAR survey, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.
Date made available6 Jan 2021
PublisherBritish Geological Survey
Date of data production14 Oct 2014 - 17 Feb 2020
Geographical coverageEast African rift

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