Provision of Universal Free School Meals in two secondary schools



The PHIRST research team has worked in partnership with Hammersmith and Fulham colleagues from public health, children and adult services, to create an evaluation study that takes into account the priorities and concerns of all interested parties within the borough. It focuses on the following research questions:
1) Is UFSM feasible in secondary schools?
2) What is the impact of UFSM on student hunger, school attendance and behaviour, and food that is eaten in school?
3) What is the impact of UFSM on family finance and food security?
4) What do students, carers and school staff see as the reasons UFSM leads to these outcomes?
5) What are the things that help or prevent UFSM being delivered effectively in secondary schools?
6) Could UFSM in secondary schools be a cost-effective approach to addressing student hunger?
We interviewed students, parents/carers, school staff and catering staff from the two schools receiving UFSM, and senior leaders in eight other secondary schools, ii) ran student surveys in the two UFSM schools and in two comparison schools, and iii) looked at information about student attendance, academic work and behaviour collected by the local authority and by schools before and after UFSM was introduced. We also worked with a group of student co-researchers in both UFSM schools. They advised on the content and format of our interviews and survey and helped us to plan observations of their school lunch times. These students did the observations themselves and shared their findings with the study team.
Date made available27 Sept 2022
PublisherUniversity of Bristol

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