Supplementary data to "Radiative forcing and equivalent effective chlorine due to hydrochlorofluorocarbons peaked in 2021", v0.1.0

  • Luke M. Western (Creator)



README for Supplementary data to "Radiative forcing and equivalent effective chlorine due to hydrochlorofluorocarbons peaked in 2021" This repository contains 4 folders: 1) agage: contains the inputs to the 12-box model and the derived monthly and annual mole fractions (global and semi-hemispheric) using measurements from the AGAGE network. 2) agage: contains the inputs to the 12-box model and the derived monthly and annual mole fractions (global and semi-hemispheric) using measurements from the NOAA network. 3) vollmer: contains the inputs to the 12-box model and the derived monthly and annual mole fractions (global and semi-hemispheric) using measurements from the measurements published in Vollmer et al. (2021) and Laube et al. (2014). 4) Projections: contains an Excel spreadsheet with the merged mole fractions (i.e., mean) from the various networks and the projected quantities. The quantities used in the paper are the scenario "Reduced production from 2020-2024 and new mxs" (columns L, M and N). The 12-box model and the method used to quantify global mean mole fractions are available via GitHub ( (last accessed 18 October 2023) and (last accessed 18 October 2023)) and Zenodo ( and AGAGE data are also available at (last accessed 18 October 2023) and (current dataset and newer data can be made available upon request. The most recent NOAA atmospheric observations are available at (last accessed 18 October 2023). References: Vollmer, M. K. et al. Unexpected nascent atmospheric emissions of three ozone-depleting hydrochlorofluorocarbons. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118, e2010914118 (2021). Laube, J. C. et al. Newly detected ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere. Nature Geosci 7, 266–269 (2014).
Date made available2023

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