- 100 - 150 out of 1,397 results
Search results
Mr Tom J Bell
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Mark J W Bemelmans
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Emmanuel Bempong-Manful
- School of Physics - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Miss Charlotte E Benney
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Nick H Benson
Person: Member, Master of Science
Professor Michael J Benton
- School of Earth Sciences - Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Palaeobiology
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Elizabeth Bermeo
- School of Geographical Sciences - Associate Researcher
- Bristol Poverty Institute
Person: Member, Honorary and Visiting Academic
Professor Sir Michael V Berry
- School of Physics - Emeritus Professor of Physics
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Mr Egor Bersenev
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Leonardo Bertini
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Sam J Bezzant
Person: Member, Master of Science
Dr Bhaveshkumar Bharatiya
- School of Chemistry - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Mr Aditya Bhat Kundapura
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Shyam Bhuller
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Ms Isabelle Bi
- School of Geographical Sciences - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Dr Suriyah Bi
- School of Geographical Sciences - Lecturer in Human Geography and Qualitative Research Methods
Person: Academic
Dr Rory J Bingham
- School of Geographical Sciences - Senior Lecturer
- Bristol Glaciology Centre
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Jagannath Biswakarma
- School of Earth Sciences - Senior Research Associate
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Swastik Biswas
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Benedict W Blackledge
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr George Blake
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Jonathan W Bober
- School of Mathematics - Heilbronn Senior Research Fellow
- Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research
- Pure Mathematics
Person: Academic , Member
Miss Grace K Boden
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Joanne Boden
- School of Geographical Sciences - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Dr Arnau Bolet
- School of Earth Sciences - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Mr Jan Lukas L Bosse
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Thomas Bothner
- School of Mathematics - Associate Professor in Mathematical Physics
Person: Academic
Mr Andriy Boubriak
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Reece B Boulton
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Henry W Bourne
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Felix C Bowers
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Paul F Bowler
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Sam Bowyer
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Anna S I Bradley
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Rodolfo Brandao Macena Lira
- School of Mathematics - Lecturer in Applied Mathematics
Person: Academic