Projects per year
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MICRO-CYCLE: Unravelling the role of microbial genomic traits in organic matter cycling and molecular composition along the river continuum
Johnes, P. J., Lloyd, C. E. M., Bull, I. D. & Evershed, R. P.
1/01/25 → 31/12/27
Project: Research, Parent
Western Pacific Innovation Symposium of System-Wide Nutrition Interventions and Surveillance
15/11/24 → 17/11/24
Project: Research
An Atlas of Economic Activities in the UK: tapping into web archives for social science research
Zhu, R., Tranos, E. & Wolf, L. J.
1/11/24 → 31/10/25
Project: Research
MR-Base collaboration with Biogen
Gaunt, T. R., Hemani, G., Davey Smith, G. & Baird, D. A.
Project: Research
Silica cycling at the sediment water interface of coastal systems
Cassarino, L. A., Pickering, R. A., Hendry, K. & Krause, J. W.
Project: Research
The Impact on Memory of Epilepsy
Atan, D., Urankar, K., Sieradzan, K. A., Goodfellow, M., Lopes, M. A., Zhang, J., Patel, J. S. & Chakravarty, M.
Project: Research
Normative data for retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in children
Williams, C. E. M., Luyt, K., Creavin, A. L., Dubis, A., Guggenheim, J. A. & Atan, D.
Project: Research
How does starting haemodialysis affect brain, bladder and eye health?
Pennington, C. M., Power, A. & Atan, D.
Project: Research
STREVA: Strengthening Resilience in Volcanic Areas (STREVA)
Gottsmann, J., Phillips, J. C. & Barclay, J.
Project: Research
CRISIS: Cyclone Risk In Small Island States
Mitchell, D. M., Bingham, R. J., Payne, A. J., Holcombe, E. A., Bates, P. D., Neal, J. & Richards, D. A.
Project: Research
MR-Base collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline
Gaunt, T. R., Hemani, G., Davey Smith, G. & Haberland, V.
Project: Research
Krijgsman, W., Vasiliev, I., Beniest, A., Lyons, T., Tari, G., Lofi, J., Triantaphillou, M., Flecker, R. M., Palcu, D., McHugh, C., Arz, H., Henry, P., Lloyd, K., Citci, G., Sipahioglu, Ö. & Sakellariou, D.
Project: Research
Brazil: institutions, politics and the economics of an emerging economy
Morgan, G. D., Gomes, M. & Doering, H.
Project: Research
UKCRIC - Bristol Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Facility (SoFSI)
Bond, I. P., Alexander, N. A., Crewe , A. J., De Luca, F., De Risi, R., Diambra, A., Ibraim, E., Karamitros, D. K., Macdonald, J. H. G., Mylonakis, G., Neild, S. A., Sextos, A., Stoten, D. P. & Vardanega, P. J.
Project: Research
Predictors of visual outcome in patients with skull base tumours
Atan, D., Teo, M., Cameron, A. & Nelson, R.
Project: Research
CRAWDAD dataset eurecom/elasticmon5g2019 (v. 2019-08-29)
Vasilakos, X., Koksal, B., Schmidt, R. & Nikaein, N.
Project: Research
Investigation of silicon isotopes fractionation from shallow benthic sponges
Cassarino, L. A., Hendry, K. & Xavier, J.
Project: Research
Silicon isotope fractionation during silicic acid uptake and biosilicification
Cassarino, L. A., Hendry, K. & Curnow, P.
Project: Research
Is there a causal link between primary open angle glaucoma and dementia?
Atan, D., Davies, N. M., Kehoe, P. G. & Davey Smith, G.
Project: Research
Climate and carbon dioxide during the end-Permian hyperthermal biosphere crisis
Benton, M. J., Farnsworth, A. J. & Zhu, Z.
Project: Research