- 1 - 50 out of 156 results
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Dr Mark A Allinson
- Department of German - Senior Lecturer
Person: Academic , Professional and Administrative
Ms Paula Antela Costa
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Teaching Associate
Person: Academic
Ms Beatriz Arias
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Language Teacher
Person: Academic
Dr Olivia Arigho Stiles
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Research Associate Rethinking Values of the Anthropocen
Person: Academic
Mr Thomas Baker
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Lily Beckett
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mx Carey E Bennington
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Louisiane A S Bigot
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Elisabeth Bolorinos Allard
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Lecturer in Spanish Peninsular Studies
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Juan Luis Bradley
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Simon B Bright
- Department of French - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Professor Matthew D Brown
- Bristol Poverty Institute
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Professor in Latin American History
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Ruth A L Bush
- Department of French - Professor of Comparative Literatures and Cultures
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Sebastian Bustamante-Brauning
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
- Bristol Doctoral College
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Member, Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Erica Capecchi
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Ms Danlu Chen
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Xinying Chen
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Ruth A Coates
- Department of Russian - Associate Professor in Russian Religious Thought
Person: Academic
Professor Jo E Crow
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Professor of Latin American Studies
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
- Digital Cultures and Methods
- Centre for the Study of Colonial and Postcolonial Studies
Person: Academic , Member
Mx Catherine Dadacz
- Arts Faculty Office - Student Internship for the Centre for Creative Technologies
- School of Modern Languages
- Bristol Doctoral College
Person: Member, Professional and Administrative, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Rhiannon J Daniels
- Department of Italian - Associate Professor in Italian
- Early Modern Studies
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Arismende Da Silva Contreiras
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Language Teacher
Person: Academic
Dr Steffan G Davies
- Department of German - Associate Professor in German
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member
Ms Suzanne E Eade Roberts
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Kitty Edgerley
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Professor Natalie J Edwards
- Department of French - Professor
- School of Modern Languages - Head of School
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member, Professional and Administrative
Mr Jonny Elling
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Liz C Emery
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Carlos F. Grigsby
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Lecturer in Latin American Studies (Spanish)
Person: Academic
Dr Charlotte I Faucher
Person: Academic , Member
Mrs Katiuska M Ferrer Portillo
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Bethan R Fisk
- Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies - Lecturer in Colonial Latin American History
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member