12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Miss Amy Turner with the persons below:
Dr Jonathan D Beacham
- School of Management - Business School - Research Fellow
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Bristol Poverty Institute
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Yanchen Zheng
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Research Associate in Catchment Modelling
Person: Academic
Professor Dann M Mitchell
- School of Geographical Sciences - Professor of Climate Science
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Caitlin Robinson
- School of Geographical Sciences - Senior Research Fellow
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Jessica R Paddock
- School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies - Senior Lecturer in Sociology
- Bristol Poverty Institute
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Mark Howson
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Ewan Woodbridge
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Professor Margherita Pieraccini
- University of Bristol Law School - Professor of Law
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Miss Olivia Reddy
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Research Associate
- Bristol Doctoral College
Person: Member, Academic , Doctor of Philosophy