Dr Daniel Smith

BSc (Plym.), MSc (UCL), PhD (UCL)

  • BS8 2PS

Personal profile

Research interests

By training I am an Evolutionary Anthropologist, interested in understanding human behaviour from an evolutionary perspective. I completed a PhD at UCL (awarded June 2017) exploring cooperation among the Agta, a population of Filipino hunter-gatherers. My evolutionary research interests also include the ontogenetic roots of cooperation, the evolution of storytelling, and wider links between cooperation, life history theory and cultural evolution.

Since August 2016 I have been working at the University of Bristol in the Population Health Sciences department, initially within the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) study and currently as a Senior Research Associate. While I still have an interest in evolutionary topics, I now predominantly - and somewhat accidentally - work within with the field of Epidemiology.

I have been involved in various projects, predominantly using ALSPAC data, exploring topics such as: using linkage data from routine GP records to investigate mental health, examining potential issues of selection bias in COVID-19 data collections, and applying structured life course methods to answer questions in life course epidemiology. As of September 2021, my main research focus has been on investigating religion and health, as part of the Belief, Behaviours and Health Research Group.


  • Causal inference
  • Epidemiology
  • Religion
  • Evolution


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