Professor In-Uck Park

B.A.(Seoul), M.A.(C'nell), Ph.D.(Min.)

  • BS8 1TU

Personal profile

Research interests

In-Uck Park's main research concerns how asymmetric information issues may be addressed to enhance efficiency and welfare through coordination. I study informal channels such as cheap-talk communication and reputation; formal schemes such as contracting; and how such devices may complement each other in dynamic environments. Some of my work ventures into more fundamental quests in the areas of game theory and decision theory. Some papers focus on externalities from coordinated actions among agents. Recent research projects include

"Third-Party Sale of Information" (joint with  Robert Evans)

"Communication, Feedbacks and Repeated Moral Hazard with Short-lived Buyers" (joint with  Bruno Jullien)

"An Extensive-Form Representation of Continuous-Time Games with Reaction Lag" (joint with Siyang Xiong)


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