Personal profile

Research interests

Gender in Political Theory (Polity Press, 1999) established the central importance of gendered analyses to theoretical debates concerning equality, representation and citizenship. Subsequent publications have interrogated each of these debates further, articulating a theory of democratic citizenship that is sensitive to emergent theoretical and policy developments pertaining to gender. Recent research focuses on the changing ways in which gender equality is conceived within liberal democracies, mapping the emergence of women’s policy agencies, gender mainstreaming and gender quotas as three particularly important manifestations of contemporary equality strategies. Publications on women’s policy agencies include articles in Representation, Politics and Gender, Parliamentary Affairs, and British Journal of Politics and International Relations.

My publications on quotas include the co-authored EOC Report, a Stockholm Working Paper, and articles in British Journal of Political Science, British Politics, European Political Science, Feminist Theory and Parliamentary Affairs. Publications on mainstreaming include articles in Social Politics, Cahiers du Genre and Femina Politica. The analyses of these three equality strategies were drawn together in The New Politics of Gender Equality (Palgrave, 2007). Contributions to broader debates concerning innovations in democratic theory, focusing on the challenges of multiculturalism and the potentiality of deliberative democracy, include articles in Socio-Legal Studies and Theoria.

Recent research focuses on the theorization of, and policy responses to, multiple equality strands, with a particular focus on the potential for single equality bodies to engage with issues of intersectionality. This research area has generated publications in Political Quarterly and International Feminist Journal of Politics. An edited collection entitled Institutionalising Intersectionality, which arises out of a European Consortium of Political Research workshop (co-directed with Hege Skjeie, Oslo) was published by Palgrave in 2012.


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