11 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Dr Laura Rhian Pickard with the persons below:
Dr Iheoma C Nwuzor
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Research Associate
Person: Academic
Professor Richard S Trask
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Ian Hamerton
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Professor of Polymers and Composites
- Bristol Composites Institute
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Ian P Bond
- Senior Team - Faculty Pro Vice-Chancellor
- Bristol Composites Institute
Person: Member, Professional and Administrative
Dr Ian R Farrow
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Structural Design
- Bristol Composites Institute
Person: Academic , Member
Mr Ian R Lee
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Nicolas S T Darras
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Burak Ogun Yavuz
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr James Kratz
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Associate Professor in Composites Processing
- Bristol Composites Institute
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Jonathan P Belnoue
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Michael R Wisnom
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Professor of Aerospace Structures
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Bristol Composites Institute
- Composites University Technology Centre (UTC)
Person: Academic , Member, Group lead