Professor Andrew J Hogg
- School of Mathematics - Professor of Fluid Mechanics
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Fluids and materials
- Applied Mathematics
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Jeremy C Phillips
- School of Earth Sciences - Professor of Volcanology and Natural Hazards
- Bristol Poverty Institute
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Volcanology
Person: Academic , Member
Professor R S J Sparks
- School of Earth Sciences - Emeritus Professor
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Volcanology
Person: Member, Honorary and Visiting Academic
Professor Willy P Aspinall
- School of Earth Sciences - Emeritus Professor
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Volcanology
Person: Member, Honorary and Visiting Academic
Mr Francisco J Vasconez Paredes
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Professor Ellen Brooks Pollock
- Bristol Medical School (PHS) - Professor of Infectious Disease Modelling
- Bristol Population Health Science Institute
- Infection and Immunity
Person: Academic , Member
Andrew Prata
External person
AJ Prata
External person
Sonja A. Behnke
External person
H Bjornsson
External person
S Barsotti
External person
Magnus Tumi Gudmundsson
External person
S Tait
External person
G Macedonio
External person
Tobias Dürig
External person
T Esposti Ongaro
External person
A Folch
External person
Sara Barsotti
- The Icelandic Meteorological Office
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
External person
E Kaminski
External person
Christopher G. Johnson
External person