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8094 BBSRC FTMA 2-Machine Learning To Detect Antibiotic Resistance
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
28/10/19 → 28/01/20
Project: Research
8094 BBSRC FTMA - Machine Learning To Detect Antibiotic Resistance
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/08/19 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
8094 MRC P to D – Industry Engagement Award, 2018-2019 Dr M Antognozzi
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
24/06/19 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
Developing a mobile device for rapid antimicrobial resistance detection in primary care.
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/07/17 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
8099 EBI MRC Proximity to Discovery
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/03/17 → 31/08/18
Project: Research
8099 EPSRC EP/M0275456/1 LINK TO RB1
Antognozzi, M. (Principal Investigator)
1/08/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research