12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Miss Paola Celant with the persons below:
Dr Frances Giampapa
- School of Education - Associate Professor
- Centre for Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
- Language, Literacies and Education Network - Network lead
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Hinrich Voss
- School of Management - Business School - Chair in International Business Management
Person: Academic
Mr Alessio Scopelliti
- School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Dr Eleonora Pantano
- School of Management - Business School - Associate Professor in Retail and Marketing Technology
Person: Academic
Professor Margherita Pieraccini
- University of Bristol Law School - Professor of Law
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
Person: Academic , Member
Miss Erica Capecchi
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Emanuele Ratti
- Department of Philosophy - Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Artificial Intelligence
Person: Academic