Dr Raquel Granell

B.Sc.(Valencia), M.Sc.(Bristol), PhD (Bristol), M.Sc.

  • BS8 2PS

Personal profile

Research interests

Following an undergraduate degree in Math and Statistics in Spain, Raquel completed her PhD in Medical Statistics in Bristol in 2007 on Structural Equations Modelling. Her first post-doctoral research focused on modelling longitudinal patterns of childhood wheeze in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC); This work culminated with the identification of six wheezing phenotypes from birth to 7 years published in Thorax in 2008, a paper that has been cited over 300 times. In 2010 Raquel was awarded a 4-year MRC population Health Scientist Fellowship to continue her research on phenotypes of asthma. In 2011, she published a follow up paper on the replication/validation of the wheezing phenotypes in an independent cohort (JACI 2011) and more recently the extended wheezing phenotypes from birth till adolescence (JACI 2016). Raquel has also been involved in a number of genetic association studies for asthma, allergic sensitization, asthma and hay fever, allergic rhinitis and lung function. In 2016 Raquel completed a master’s degree in Genetic Epidemiology and Bioinformatics by Cardiff University. She is currently working with STELAR UK cohorts (ALSPAC, MAAS, IoW, Ashford and SEATON) to identify more stable and consistent wheezing phenotypes and to investigate how these phenotypes differ genetically. 


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  • Exploring the genetics of airflow limitation in lung function across the lifespan – a polygenic risk score study

    Hernandez-Pacheco, N., Kilanowski, A., Kumar, A., Curtin, J. A., Olvera, N., Kress, S., Bertels, X., Lahousse, L., Bhatta, L., Granell, R., Marí, S., Bilbao, J. R., Sun, Y., Tingskov Pedersen, C.-E., Karramass, T., Thiering, E., Dardani, C., Kebede Merid, S., Wang, G. & Hallberg, J. & 35 others, Koch, S., Garcia-Aymerich, J., Esplugues, A., Torrent, M., Ibarluzea, J., Lowe, L., Simpson, A., Gehring, U., Vermeulen, R. C. H., Roberts, G., Bergström, A., Vonk, J. M., Felix, J. F., Duijts, L., Bønnelykke, K., Timpson, N., Brusselle, G., Brumpton, B. M., Langhammer, A., Turner, S., Holloway, J. W., Arshad, S. H., Ullah, A., Custovic, A., Cullinan, P., Murray, C. S., van den Berge, M., Kull, I., Schikowski, T., Wedzicha, J. A., Koppelman, G., Faner, R., Agustí, À., Standl, M. & Melén, E., 24 Sept 2024, In: EClinicalMedicine. 75, 102731.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    1 Citation (Scopus)
  • Genome-wide association study of preserved ratio impaired spirometry (PRISm)

    Higbee, D. H., Lirio, A., Hamilton, F., Granell, R., Wyss, A. B., London, S. J., Bartz, T. M., Gharib, S. A., Cho, M. H., Wan, E., Silverman, E., Crapo, J. D., Lominchar, J. V. T., Hansen, T., Grarup, N., Dantoft, T., Kårhus, L., Linneberg, A., O’Connor, G. T. & Dupuis, J. & 25 others, Xu, H., De Vries, M. M., Hu, X., Rich, S. S., Barr, R. G., Manichaikul, A., Wijnant, S. R. A., Brusselle, G. G., Lahousse, L., Li, X., Hernández Cordero, A. I., Obeidat, M., Sin, D. D., Harris, S. E., Redmond, P., Taylor, A. M., Cox, S. R., Williams, A. T., Shrine, N., John, C., Guyatt, A. L., Hall, I. P., Smith, G. D., Tobin, M. D. & Dodd, J. W., Jan 2024, In: European Respiratory Journal. 63, 1, 12 p., 2300337.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    9 Citations (Scopus)
  • Lung function trajectories from school age to adulthood and their relationship with markers of cardiovascular disease risk

    Granell, R., Haider, S., Deliu, M., Ullah, A., Mahmoud, O., Fontanella, S., Lowe, L., Simpson, A., Dodd, J. W., Arshad, S. H., Murray, C. S., Roberts, G., Hughes, A., Park, C., Holloway, J. W. & Custovic, A., 16 Jul 2024, In: Thorax. 79, p. 770-777 thorax-2023-220485.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    5 Citations (Scopus)