12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Mr Ryan A D Preece with the persons below:
Mr Shashank Tripathi
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Miss Antonia A E Pereira
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr George E Fowler
- Bristol Medical School (PHS) - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Mrs Ani Lacy
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Rhys A Shaw
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Albie A Henry
Person: Member, Master of Science
Mr Paul Hutchinson
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Phil J Hutchinson
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Stephen T J Rooney
- Bristol Dental School - Clinical Lecturer in Urgent Dental Care
Person: Academic
Mr Oliver M Brown
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy