Professor Ulrika Maude

MA English (Turku), MA Spanish (Helsinki), Phil Lic (Turku), PhD (York)

  • BS8 1TB

Personal profile

Research interests


I am Director of the Centre for Health, Humanities and Science at the University of Bristol. I have published on modernist literature, perception, medicine, and philosophies of embodiment. My book, Beckett, Technology and the Body, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2009 (paperback edition 2010). Samuel Beckett and Medicine (Cambridge UP) is in press and will appear in April 2025. I am co-editor of The Body and the Arts (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, with Corinne Saunders and Jane Macnaughton) and Beckett and Phenomenology (Continuum, 2009, with Matthew Feldman). I have also edited The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature (Cambridge UP, 2015, with David Hillman) and The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature (Bloomsbury, 2018; paperback 2022, with Mark Nixon). I am a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Beckett Studies (Edinburgh University Press), and the journal's Review Editor.

I am part-seconded to a Visiting Professorship at the IAS of the University of Turku, Finland (2020-2026). In 2015-2016, I was Visiting Research Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (University of Helsinki). I have also held Research Fellowships at the Institut d’études avancées in Paris (2009), and at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Centre, University of Texas at Austin (in 2008 and 2010). 

At the University of Bristol, I have served as co-lead of the Wellcome Trust ISSF-3-funded Medical Humanities Research Strand, administered by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute for Health Research (2018-2021). I have also served on the Management Board of the Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) Research Strand.

I am currently writing a book on habit in the literature, philosophy and psychology of the long twentieth-century. I am also editing Key Concepts in Medical Humanities, which consists of essays on such topics as health, illness, contagion, disability, neurodiversity, ageing, death and dying, and on key methodologies, such as the Black health humanities, narraitve medicine,  graphic medicine and medicine and the arts.

In 2012, I was co-I of an AHRC-funded research project on ‘Beckett and Brain Science’ (PI Prof. Elizabeth Barry). Subsequently, I was PI of the AHRC-funded project, 'Modernism, Medicine and the Embodied Mind: Investigating Disorders of the Self', which ran from February 2015 to October 2016. The project held several events, inculding a conference on 'Modernism, Psychoanalysis and the Embodied Mind', which took place at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in September 2015 as well as a workshop for therapists and psychiatrists at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC. Other events included an international conference at the University of Bristol, which was held in July 2016. I have also been co-I on the MRC grant, 'Adolescence, digital technology and mental health care: exploring opportunity and harm' (PI Dr Lucy Biddle). In 2023-2024, I was co-PI, with Dr Eunice Lo, of a pilot study on 'Understanding Lived Experience and Behaviour during Extreme Weather' ('Bristol Inpried Research Challenge Area /Equitable and Sustainable Health Challenge'). This award has led to a new project of which I am PI, 'Translating the Lived Experience of Heatwaves into Policy Action', funded by Research England (co-Is Eunice Lo, Joanne Godwin, Kate Northstone and Nicholas Timpson, as well as the Research Associate, Rosa Jones). I have also been a member of Professor Celia Gregson's Wellcome Trust-funded 'Healthy Ageing' project, which took place in sub-Saharan Africa (Zimbabwe and The Gambia).

I have supervised PhD students working on literature and medicine, modernism and perception, modern literature and technology, sensory studies, literature and science and the post-war American novel, including work on authors such as Dorothy Richardson, Joseph Conrad, Samuel Beckett, Elizabeth Bowen, Jack Kerouac, Thomas Pynchon and Don DeLillo. The most recent PhDs I have supervised to completion are on 'Modernism and Boredom' (Oliver Neto, 2017), 'Kurt Vonnegut, Determinism and Posthumanism' (Andrew Hicks, 2019), 'The Phenomenology of Obsessions and Compulsions in the Writing of Samuel Beckett' (Emily Chester, 2019), 'Shaking, Breaking, Remaking: Anxiety in Contemporary American Literature, 1990 to the Present' (Alex Osborne, 2020); 'Beckett, Phenomenology and Performance after 1989' (Annette Balaam, 2020); 'Illness and Classical Frameworks in Virginia Woolf' (Elizabeth Gourd, 2022), and 'Science and Narrative Perspective in the Anglo-Irish Modernist Novel' (Joe Phillips, 2023). I have also supervised international PhD students who have spent part of their doctoral studies in the UK, most recently on the topic of touch in Samuel Beckett's prose (Zhang Jingfang, 2022) and on embodiment in the work of T. S. Eliot (Andrea Lupi, 2024, 2025). I am currently supervising the following PhD-students:

  • Sarah MacAllister, 'Plants and pedagogy: the role of female 
    botanical artists in medical education, 1726–1961' (AHRC CDA with Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh)
  • Ruohan Wang, 'The Non-human in Elizabeth Bowen's Interwar Novels' (China Scholarship Council)
  • Kaiyue Hou, 'Authoring Modernity: The Lived Body in the Regional Fictions of Carson McCullers and Mo Yan'
  • Xiaoqiao Mu, 'Haunted Memories: A Post-Derridean Reading of Kazuo Ishiguro' (China Scholarship Council) 
  • Charlotte Royle, 'The Science of Love in Contemporary British Fiction'
  • Minfang Hu, 'The Visual Turn in Proust, Woolf, Rilke and Beckett'
  • Zeynep Altop, 'Samuel Beckett, Spinoza and the Sense of Proportion'

I have mentored Dr Doug Battersby's Leverhulme Early-Career Fellowship (2018-2021) on 'The Heart of Modernist Fiction, 1899 to 1939' and co-mentored Dr Arthur Rose's Vice-Chancellor's Fellowship on the literary, medical and legal accounts of asbestos. I have also mentored Dr Doug Batterby's Marie Curie Global Fellowship (2021-2024) project on 'The Novel and the Heart, 1840-1940', which took place at the Universities of Bristol and Stanford.

I would be interested in taking on postgraduate students with research interests in Samuel Beckett; modern literature and medicine; literary phenomenology; modernist writing and technology, and embodiment and sensory studies.

Selected Publications


  • Samuel Beckett and Medicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2025 (in press, ISBN: 9781108840736).
  • Beckett, Technology and the Body. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. x + 211 pp. ISBN: 9780521515375. (Paperback edition, 2011, ISBN: 9780521181501).

Edited Books

  • Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. x + 538 pp. ISBN: 978-1780936413; paperback edition, 2023, ISBN: 978-1350300705, (with Mark Nixon).
  • The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. xiv + 273 pp. ISBN: 9781107644397 (with David Hillman).
  • Beckett and Phenomenology. London: Continuum, 2009. xii + 212 pp. ISBN: 9780826497147 (with Matthew Feldman; paperback edition, 2012, ISBN: 9781441123176).
  • The Body and the Arts. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. xv + 292 pp. ISBN: 9780230552043 (with Corinne Saundres and Jane Macnaughton).

Edited Journal Issues

  • Beckett, Medicine and the Brain, special issue of the Journal of Medical Humanities 37:2 (2016) (with Elizabeth Barry and Laura Salisbury).
  • Beckett on TV, special issue of the Journal of Beckett Studies, 18: 1-2 (2009). 207 pp. ISSN: 0309-5207. E-ISSN: 1759-7811 (with David Pattie).

Refereed Articles in Journals

  • '"Grievous Loss": Reading Nicholas Royle's Mother: A Memoir'. Textual Practice (submitted).
  • '"Other Kinds of Emotions": Ishiguro's Late-modernist Affect'. Journal of Modern Literature 47:3 (2024): 71-87.
  • Gooberman-Hill, R., Taylor M.L., Maude, U., Yardley, L., Huxtable, R., Stubbs, J., and T. J. Peters. 'Public Views of Coronavirus Science and Scientists: Findings from a Cross-Sectional Survey'. Wellcome Open Research 6 (2021), 166.
  • La estética convulsiva: Beckett, Chaplin y Charcot'. Translated into Spanish by Marcelo Lara. Beckettiana 17 (2020): 7-17.
  • '''All that Inner Space One Never Sees": Beckett's Inhuman Domain'. Special issue on Beckett and the Non-Human, eds. Douglas Atkinson, Amanda Dennis and Thomas Thoelen. Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui 32:2 (2020): 255-271.
  • 'Second Nature'. Special Issue on Freud's 'The Uncanny'. Oxford Literary Review. 42:2 (2020): 242-246.
  • “Chronic Conditions: Beckett, Bergson and Samuel Johnson.” Journal of Medical Humanities 37:2 (2016): 193-204 (7250 words).
  • "Beckett, Medicine and the Brain: Introduction." Journal of Medical Humanities 37:2 (2016): 127-135 (with Elizabeth Barry and Laura Salisbury, 5000 words).
  • “Beckett and the Laws of Habit.” Modernism/Modernity 18:4 (2011): 813-21.
  • “’Crazy Inventions’: Beckett on TV.” Journal of Beckett Studies 18 (2009): 1-9.
  • “‘a stirring beyond coming and going’: Beckett and Tourette's.” Beckett, Language and the Mind,special issue of the Journal of Beckett Studies 17(2009): 153-168.
  • “‘Hint of Jugular and Cords’: Beckett and Modern Medicine.” Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui 19(2008): 281-291.
  • Centennial Beckett: The Gray Canon and the Fusion of Horizons.” Modernism/Modernity 15:1 (2008): 179-188.
  • “‘whole body like gone’: Beckett and Technology”. Journal of Beckett Studies 16:1&2 (2007): 150-160.
  • “Mingled Flesh.” European Joyce Studies 16 (2005): 91-107.

Refereed Book Chapters

  • 'The Unconsoled of The Unconsoled: Ishiguro and Modernism'. The Cambridge Companion to Kazuo Ishiguro. Ed. Andrew Bennett. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 108-122.
  • 'Psychology'. The Oxford Handbook to Samuel Beckett. Eds. Mark Nixon and Dirk Van Hulle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming (submitted).
  • 'Beckett's Affective Telepoetics'. Beckett and Media. Eds. Balazs Rapcsak, Mark Nixon and Philipp Schweighauser. Manchester: Manchester UP, 2022. 140-154.
  • '"Que voulez-vous?": Beckett, Nerve Theory and Literary Form.' The New Samuel Beckett Studies. Ed. Jean-Michel Rabaté. Cambrige: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 175-194.
  • '"Tender Ties": Elizabeth Bowen and Habit'. Elizabeth Bowen: Theory, Thought and Things. Eds. Jessica Gildersleeve and Patricia Juliana Smith. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 79-95.
  • '"Temporarily Sane": Beckett, Modernism and the Ethics of Suicide'. Beckett and Modernism. Eds. Olga Beloborodova, Dirk Van Hulle and Pim Verhulst. Palgrave Studies in Modern European Literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2018. 223-237.
  • 'D. H. Lawrence, Merleau-Ponty, and the Phenomenology of Illness'. Understanding Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Understanding Modernism. Ed. Ariane Mildenberg. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. 285-197.
  • 'Modernism, Neurology and the Invention of Psychoanalysis'. Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature, eds. Ulrika Maude and Mark Nixon. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. 267-284.
  • 'Introduction: Modernism, Experimentation and Form'. Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature, eds. Ulrika Maude and Mark Nixon. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. 1-18.
  • ‘Literature and Neurology’. The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature. Eds. Ulrika Maude and David Hillman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 197-213.
  • ‘Beckett, Body and Mind’. The New Cambridge Companion to Samuel Beckett. Ed. Dirk Van Hulle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 170-184.  
  • ‘Science, Technology and the Body’. In The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Culture. Ed. Celia Marshik. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2014. 33-49.
  • ‘Convulsive Aesthetics: Beckett, Chaplin and Charcot.’ In The Edinburgh Companion to Samuel Beckett and the Arts. Ed. S. E. Gontarski. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014. 44-53.
  • “Pavlov’s Dogs and Other Animals in Samuel Beckett.” Beckett and Animals. Ed. Mary Bryden. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 82-94.
  • “Somnambulism, Amnesia and Fugue: Beckett and (Male) Hysteria”. In Samuel Beckett: Debts and Legacies. Eds. Peter Fifield and David Addyman. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. 153-176.
  • “Beckett, der expressionistische Film und Kleists Marionetten.” Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Literatur, eds. Mark Nixon and Jan Wilm.Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013. 89-104.
  • “Working on the Radio.” Beckett in Context. Ed. Anthony Uhlmann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 183-191.
  • “‘Material of a Strictly Peculiar Order’: Beckett, Merleau-Ponty and Perception.” Beckett and Phenomenology. Eds. U. Maude and M. Feldman. London and New York: Continuum, 2009. 77-94.
  • “Modernist Bodies: Coming to Our Senses.” The Body and the Arts. Eds. C. Saunders, U. Maude & J. Macnaughton. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. 116-130.
  • “Beckett's Nordic Reception.” The International Reception of Samuel Beckett. Eds. Mark Nixon and Matthew Feldman. New York and London: Continuum, 2009. 234-250.
  • “America and Romance.” A Companion to Romance. Ed. Corinne Saunders. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004. 424-437.
  • “The Body of Memory: Beckett and Merleau-Ponty.” Beckett and Philosophy. Ed. Richard Lane. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. 108-122.
  • “Decoding Narrative: Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable.” Approaches to Narrative Fiction. Eds. Jon Buscall and Outi Pickering. Anglicana Turkuensia 18 (1999). 67-83.

Essays Translated into Other Languages

  • 'La estética convulsiva: Beckett, Chaplin y Charcot'. Translated into Spanish by Marcelo Lara. Beckettiana 17 (2020): 7-17.
  • 'Seeing Ghosts.' Translated into Japanese by Kumiko Kiuchi in The Historical Perspective on Beckett Criticism. Eds. Yoshiyuki Inoue and Masaki Kondo. Tokyo: Michitani, 2016.
  • 'Beckett, der expressionistische Film und Kleists Marionetten.' Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Literatur, eds. Mark Nixon and Jan Wilm.Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2013. 89-104.
  • 'Geister sehen: Technik und Wahrnehmung in Becketts Fernsehspielen.' In The Eye of Prey: Becketts Film-, Fernseh- und Videoarbeiten. Eds. Gaby Hartel & Michael Glasmeier. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2011. 381-400.

Other Publications

  • 'Obituary: Professor Lawrence S. Rainey'. Modernist Cultures 16:3 (2021): 430-432.
  • 'Beckett, Technology and the Yearning Eye and Ear'. Nieuwe Vide's Journal of Humanity 6 (2017): 5-10.[Dutch art magazine] 
  • Maude, U. Barcelona, Barcelona. Helsinki: Cultura, 1990. ISBN: 9529501021. [Finnish-language book on Barcelona and Catalan culture, 184 pages.]


  • Emilie Morin, Samuel Beckett and the Problem of Irishness (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009) in Irish University Review 41:2 (2011): 304-306.
  • Ato Quayson, Aesthetic Nervousness: Disability and the Crisis of Representation (Columbia UP, 2007) in University of Toronto Quarterly 80.2 (2011): 372-373.
  • “All Sturm and no Drang”: Beckett and Romanticism, eds. Dirk Van Hulle and Mark Nixon. Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui 18. (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007) in The Beckett Circle 32(2009): 12-13.
  • Der unbekannte Beckett: Samuel Beckett und die deutsche Kultur, eds. Therese Fischer-Seidel and Marion Fries-Dieckmann. (Suhrkamp, 2005) and Samuel Beckett, Warten auf Godot. Trans. Elmar Tophoven (Suhrkamp, 2006) in Modernism/Modernity 13:3 (2006): 591-593.
  • Daniel Albright, Beckett and Aesthetics (Cambridge UP, 2003) and John Haynes and James Knowlson, Images of Beckett (Cambridge UP, 2003) in Modernism/Modernity 11:4 (2004): 845-847.
  • Paul Sheehan, Modernism, Narrative and Humanism (Cambridge UP, 2002) in Modernism/Modernity 11:1 (2004): 193-195.
  • Herman Rapaport, Later Derrida (Routledge, 2001) in Oxford Literary Review 25 (2003): 385-390.
  • “Complex Emotions: A Post-Structuralist Theory.” Review article of Rei Terada, Feeling in Theory: Emotion after the Death of the Subject (Harvard UP, 2001) in Cambridge Quarterly 32:1 (2003): 95-8.


External positions

Visiting Professor, University of Turku

1 Aug 202031 Jul 2026


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