Personal profile

Research interests

I joined the University of Bristol in 2021 as Lecturer in Innovation Management. I hold a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cambridge, where I am also affiliated as a Senior Research Associate in Jesus College, a Research Affiliate in the Department of Sociology, and an Associate Member of Cambridge Digital Humanities. I have served as an External Examiner for Cambridge University and as an Expert Reviewer for various funding bodies, including European Research Council, the ESRC, the German Research Foundation, and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

My research investigates the social process of innovation, centring around a fundamental question: how do social and cultural factors shape innovation activities? Having examined this question in a number of substantive contexts, from the digital transformation of the book industry in China (supervised by Professor John Thompson, Cambridge) to digital innovation in China's tech sector (with Professor Peter Williamson, Cambridge), I have published in high-ranking journals in sociology, publishing studies, cultural economy, and business and management studies. My book monograph, entitled Cultural Mavericks: The Business and Cultural Politics of Independent Bookselling in China, is coming out with the prestigious Columbia University Press in 2025.

My current research focuses on developing a systematic sociological account of AI, addressing both empirical questions, such as the political economy of AI innovation in China, and theoretical ones, such as theorising AI as an emerging social structural force. My award-winning paper 'Sociological Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: A Typological Reading' constantly ranks as the top result for ‘sociology of AI’ searches on (Please direct your enquires regarding this paper to the email address shown on the top of this page.) My new book chapter on the political economy of AI innovation is now out with Routledge (Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Beyond: Theorising Society and ( I am currently the PI on a British Academy funded project on investigating the social structure of China’s AI industry. For my expertise in the social science study of AI, I have been invited to review over 40 grant applications, book proposals, and journal articles for prestigious international funding bodies, leading book publishers and top-ranking journals, including the ERC, the ESRC, Routledge, Annual Review of Sociology, Current Sociology, International Sociology, Acta Sociologica, British Journal of Sociology, Sociology Compass, AI & Society, Journal of Sociology, Philosophy & Technology, Cultural Sociology.

I also do practice-oriented research on digital innovation, digital business model innovation and digitalisation, working with companies in China and the UK.

Teaching: I am Pathway Lead for MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data Pathway) and Unit Director for Digitalisation, Big Data and Value Creation. I also design and teach courses on innovation and management research methods. I can provide tailored training for organisations and communities on innovation and digitalisation strategies. I have experience of consultancy and advising executives directly.

PhD Supervision Areas: Digitalisation; digital business model innovation; social studies of AI. I welcome applicants using qualitative and mixed methods. Experimental design, Q methodology, SNA and digital methods are particularly welcome. Please email to discuss your research proposal before applying. Please note that I am unable to reply all PhD enquires received and will only reply to those aligning with my own research the best. Reply =/ acceptance.


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