12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Mr Zhipeng Xie with the persons below:
Dr Yu Chen
- School of Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering - Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Dr Shuping Dang
Person: Academic
Dr Aniekan E Essien
- School of Management - Business School - Lecturer in Business Analytics
Person: Academic
Dr Mohammad Golbabaee
- School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology - Senior Lecture in Data Science
Person: Academic
Mr Alex Hepburn
- School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology - Senior Research Associate
Person: Academic
Miss Jingyu Hu
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Jack P Jones
Person: Member, Academic , Doctor of Philosophy
Mr Gavin Leech
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Dr Ryan McConville
- School of Engineering Mathematics and Technology - Senior Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence
Person: Academic
Mr Liang Qiao
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Ms Aileen Wang
Person: Member, Doctor of Philosophy
Professor Yanos Zylberberg
- School of Economics - Professor of Economics
- Migration Mobilities Bristol
Person: Academic , Member