12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Mr Ziyu Meng with the persons below:
Dr James Armstrong
- Bristol Medical School (THS) - Senior Research Fellow
- Bristol Neuroscience
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Paul Bartlett
- School of Chemistry - Professor of Soft Matter Science
- Soft Matter, Colloids and Materials
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Bhaveshkumar Bharatiya
- School of Chemistry - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Professor Wuge H Briscoe
- School of Chemistry - Professor of Physical Chemistry
- Soft Matter, Colloids and Materials
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Sean A Davis
- School of Chemistry - Senior Lecturer
- Soft Matter, Colloids and Materials
Person: Academic , Member
Dr Graham J Day
- School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Professor Charl F J Faul
- School of Chemistry - Professor of Materials Chemistry
- Cabot Institute for the Environment
- Materials for Energy
- Soft Matter, Colloids and Materials
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Stephen Mann
- Soft Matter, Colloids and Materials
- School of Chemistry - Professor of Chemistry
Person: Academic , Member
Professor Annela M Seddon
- Engineering Faculty Office - Associate Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
- School of Physics - Professor of Physics
- Infection and Immunity
Person: Academic , Member, Professional and Administrative
Dr Anna Slastanova
- School of Chemistry - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Honorary and Visiting Academic
Miss Wendy Tang
- School of Civil, Aerospace and Design Engineering - Research Associate in Polymer Engineering
Person: Academic