BBC Digital Cities Week- Data Jam / Hackathon Best Project Award and Pitching and Commissioning Session Best Project Award

  • Ezin, Ercan (Recipient)

Prize: Prizes, Medals, Awards and Grants


A two-day Data Jam / Hackathon on 24th and 25th November with 51 participants worked in 8 teams bringing a mixture of skills and experience to create a range of innovative projects to support Bristol’s One City Approach in reference to sustainable transport, homes and communities.

The Eco Road Warriors won with their Eco routes project which takes the idea to nudge drivers in Bristol to produce fewer emissions with their cars on day-to-day journeys. Judges were impressed by the amount of work that was able to be achieved over the 2 days. The team modelled likely emissions per vehicle per road segment for every road in the city (taking into account traffic lights, hills and zebra crossings) which was incorporated into a prototype route planner web application which demonstrated an average drop in emissions of 22% per journey, in exchange for a modest increase in journey time.

Team members included Frank Kelly, Ercan Ezin, Alexander Frenzel, Michelle Ho and Fanqi (Freddie). Frank Kelly was awarded the team’s first prize of a trip to London with lunch, with scheduled networking and mentoring sessions.

Our second event was kindly hosted by the University of the West England at the Arnolfini on 28th November. 29 attendees in all joined came together as participating teams were given 4 minutes each to pitch how their idea could utilise open data to address Bristol City challenges / strategic priorities in relation Housing, Communities, Transport and/ or Connectivity.

The event was judged by Bristol City Council’s Deputy Mayor Craig Cheney, Web/UX Designer Ajara Pfannenschmidt and the Jean Golding Institutes’ Patricia Holley.

The 3 X £1,500 commissions awarded below will present their completed projects at the end of February 2019 –

Eco routes – Frank Kelly, Ercan Ezin, Alexander Frenzel, Michelle Ho, and Fanqi (Freddie).
Nudging drivers in Bristol to produce fewer emissions with their cars on day-to-day journeys.

With a background where diesel and petrol vehicles are significant contributors to poor air quality in the UK, and where GPS navigated journeys are currently planned to minimise journey time only, our idea was to create alternative routes across the city for drivers; that reduce their carbon footprint and also limit the harmful NOx gas emissions produced.

During the 2 day hackathon, by modelling likely emissions per vehicle per road segment for every road in the city (taking into account traffic lights, hills and zebra crossings) we incorporated this information into a prototype route planner web application which demonstrated an average drop in emissions of 22% per journey, in exchange for a modest increase in journey time.
Degree of recognitionLocal
Granting OrganisationsBristol City Council


  • Data Jam/ Hackhaton
