Co-Lead for Bristol Health Partners SHINE HIT (Health Integration Team)

  • Audrey, Suzanne (Recipient)

Prize: Prizes, Medals, Awards and Grants


The Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments Health Integration Team (SHINE HIT) aims to turn Bristol into a healthier city, with built environments that help people to be more healthy. This will be achieved by integrating health, well-being and social inclusion with urban development and planning to reduce health risks and promote healthier lifestyles. The team includes experts from Bristol's universities, the city council and NHS acute and mental health trusts. It will use innovative research and sound science to influence future planning policy and investment decisions, producing positive outcomes that improve people's health and promote social inclusion across Bristol.
Granting OrganisationsBristol Health Partners

Structured keywords

  • PolicyBristolHealthAndWellbeing
  • Cabot Institute City Futures Research
