NIHR ResNet Early Career Funding: Mapping the landscape of prenatal alcohol prevention in the UK: a collaborative review

Prize: Prizes, Medals, Awards and Grants


This project aims to systematically identify, evaluate and synthesise the recent evidence on initiatives (including policies and interventions) for the prevention of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in the UK. It will involve collaborating with multidisciplinary public, practice and academic colleagues and identifying opportunities for future evaluation using natural experimental methods. Practice appears variable throughout the UK and there has been no previous attempt to synthesise and evaluate programmes and interventions. The results of this research will comprise a comprehensive analysis of current provision, will identify important gaps in provision, will explore factors associated with health inequalities and opportunities to reduce these, and will provide process evaluation and effectiveness evidence to inform priorities for future research and practice.
Granting OrganisationsNational Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
