Project Details


AeroGust (Aeroelastic Gust Modelling) is a collaborative research project between industry and academia funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement number 636053.

The project seeks to drive the competitiveness of European Aviation through cost efficiency and innovation and has taken inspiration from Flight Path 2050 whose goals include maintaining and extending industrial leadership. Further transfer of technology to the wind turbine industry will increase the renewable energy sector.

In summary the impacts of AeroGust will include:
- Reduced reliance on wind tunnel testing
- Reduced conservatism by improving accuracy and robustness
- Faster exploration of the design space through updating Reduced Order Models
- More accurate wind turbine load predictions
Alternative titleAeroelastic Gust Modelling
Effective start/end date1/05/1530/09/18

Research Groups and Themes

  • AWI


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