This research project directed by Jocelyn Wishart and funded by an HEA teaching development award investigates the creation of short animations in initial science teacher education teaching sessions using a digital or mobile phone camera, Plasticine, laptops and freely available software in order to research the learning opportunities offered by having students animate science processes such as enzyme action, cell division, sound waves etc.
Making animations in learning science is enjoyed by nearly all. It aids understanding and memory in a number of ways:
- Visual and tangible representation of abstract science concepts
- Provision of opportunities to learn in different modes (or styles)
- Reinforcement through multiple stages in their production including storyboarding, making, viewing and especially discussing
- Enabling teachers to 'see' what pupils know and understand
It was particularly useful for ITE students as it enabled them to focus on thinking about how to explain or show concepts to others i.e. their future pupils.