Developing teacher educators skills to promote the intercultural awareness of teachers in Hong Kong

  • Orchard, Janet L (Principal Investigator)
  • Jackson, Liz (Co-Investigator)
  • Hong, Raymond (Manager)

Project Details


An innovative approach to developing teachers’ ethical deliberation, ‘Philosophy for Teachers’, or ‘P4T’, adapted from “P4C” (Philosophy for Children), is a model of professional learning through dialogue within a community of fellow enquirers. Ethics in teaching is highly significant; as a fundamentally relational practice, regardless of geographical location, teachers face ethically complex situations daily, to which they must respond. However, an international study (Maxwell et al 2016) found ethics education marginalised in teachers’ professional development.

In HK a particular focus of ethical concern for the P4T process has emerged; managing intercultural relations in classrooms. This also resonates with my work in religious and civic education (Orchard 2015 & Orchard, McKeown-Jones and Williams 2016 ESRC IAA award: Shared Space).

Layman's description

‘Philosophy for Teachers’, or ‘P4T’, is adapted from “P4C” (Philosophy for Children). It is a model of professional learning through dialogue within a community of fellow enquirers. Ethics in teaching is highly significant; teachers face ethically complex situations daily, to which they must respond. However, an international study (Maxwell et al 2016) has found that ethics education is marginalised currently in teachers’ professional development. In HK a particular focus of ethical concern for the P4T process to have emerged is managing intercultural relations in classrooms.
Effective start/end date1/11/1631/03/17

Research Groups and Themes

  • SoE Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education
  • SoE Centre for Knowledge, Culture, and Society


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