Diamond detector development and Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI)

Project Details


Decommissioning legacy nuclear facilities requires innovative characterisation technologies such as diamond detectors due to extreme levels of radioactive hazard, which destroys conventional detectors. The miniature diamond detector system developed at Bristol allows real time dose rate measurements to be made remotely from inside difficult to access areas, creating maps of radioactivity in facilities which have small access ports, contain complex networks of pipes and vessels, and have a high radiation hazard. Controlled testing and calibration of the diamond devices may only be carried out at world-leading facilities with highly active sources.
Since discussions at the Bristol-Kyoto Symposium, Professor Unesaki has offered the use of the facilities at Kyoto’s nuclear reactor institute to test and advance the technology developed at Bristol. With travel funding from Kyoto, the diamond team hosted Professor Unesaki and two colleagues in July to exchange ideas and workplans. The funds also cover one trip in October 2016 for members of the Bristol research team to visit the facilities at KURRI and perform some early scoping and planning experiments. We consider that bringing Kyoto’s detector expertise and their reactor facility into the project would be extremely beneficial. The further funds we have requested would allow one further follow-up visit to KURRI in March 2017 for a set of extended device experiments.
Effective start/end date1/01/1630/07/17


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