This project is a collaboration between Higher Education Institutions in Germany, Netherlands, UK (University of Bristol and Research in Practice) and two University’s in Egypt and two in Jordan as well as UNICEF in both MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries. The intention is to draw together expertise from across these partner organisations to educate professionals working for and with children in Egypt and Jordan through a postgraduate diploma. The wider objective of the project Diploma Public Policy and Child Rights (DPPCR) is to promote a culture in Egypt and Jordan where children’s rights are respected, protected and fulfilled through improved policies and practices. The first specific objective is to build a cadre of practitioners working with and for children that are effectively using their skills and knowledge to influence adequately funded, evidence-based and child rights oriented public policies, programs and practices.
The second specific objective is to ensure that by the end of the project four universities in Egypt and Jordan are teaching a diploma on child rights and public policy that bridges academic teaching and research to inform evidence-based policies and practice.
To reach these objectives, the consortium of European and Arab universities will engage in the development of course contents for face-to-face and blended learning during the first year of DPPCR's implementation. In order to generate evidence and create learning material reflecting the situation in each one of the partner countries, the project partners will engage in participatory development of learning materials, small research workshops and international student programs.