Education, Justice and Memory Network (EdJAM

  • Paulson, Julia (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


The Education, Justice and Memory network (EdJAM) is a collaborative, international network of researchers, educators and civil society organisations committed to creative ways to teach and learn about the violent past. We believe that it isn’t possible to build a culture of peace and non-violence, as Sustainable Development Goal target 4.7 envisions, without teaching and learning about past violence and injustice and their legacies in the present. Therefore, EdJAM supports and develops new ways to teach and learn about conflict, violence, colonialism, imperialism and racism, including by funding research projects around the world.

Our team members are based in Cambodia, Colombia, Pakistan, Uganda, and the United Kingdom. We have been working together since 2017 to explore pedagogies to enable dialogue, repair and hope while exploring past injustice. We have written together about educational practices and spaces as sites of memory production. EdJAM colleagues work with objects, exhibitions, app-based learning, animation, film and video, narrative and dialogue to enable learning about the violent past in classrooms and everyday spaces. We are interested in exploring these and other creative practices as potentially restorative and reparative. We hope to understand the role of creative practices in building more just futures in and beyond education.

EdJAM will commission research to develop and understand creative practices for teaching and learning about the violent past, with a focus on research led by colleagues in the global south, early career researchers and researchers from under-represented groups.
Effective start/end date1/04/2031/03/24

Research Groups and Themes

  • SoE Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education


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