Effect of treatment with Vitamin D and synthetic analogues in preventing intestine inflammatory disease and osteoarthritis in zebrafish larvae

  • Kague, Erika (Principal Investigator)
  • Hammond, Chrissy L (Principal Investigator)
  • Olsen Saraiva Camara , Niels (Collaborator)
  • Takiishi, Tatiana (Collaborator)

Project Details


A Brazilian group (BRg) led by Dr Niels Olsen Saraiva Camara who is an expert in inflammatory responsiveness markers in diverse types of disease (obesity and intestinal bowel disease) and is currently testing the effect of Vitamin D and a less- calcemic analogue, Tx527 for their ability to ameliorate intestinal inflation in zebrafish larvae. They wish to utilize assays and transgenic lines developed by our group and to collaborate to test the role of their VitD analogues in skeletogenesis. Their group will gain access to our expertise in CRISPR mutagenesis and access to our transgenic and mutant lines (>20 mutants in OA susceptibility genes and >10 reporter lines for signalling pathways and skeletally relevant genes. We will benefit from access to unpublished VitD reagents to study their role in joint disease. Zebrafish larvae will be treated with VitD + analogue, followed by Alizarin Red S to test effects on bone. This data will feed into a paper currently in preparation by BRg. The reagents and the screening techniques will then be utilized for in Bristol on our mutant lines which will be share with the BRg.

Layman's description

We will be studying the role of Vitamin D to gut development (how the gut is being formed and if it is formed correctly) in zebrafish and also its importance to bone development and disease. Our lab in Bristol is interested in studying zebrafish and Osteoarthiris and for this purpose we have zebrafish lacking specific genes related to Osteoarthritis, we aim in the future to treat few of this mutants using the protocol generated by the Brazilian group we are in collaboration with and also make few of this mutants and transgenic line to study the study of gut development and inflammation in the gut by the Brazilian group. In Bristol we have stablished an efficient protocol to mutate genes in zebrafish, and therefore this technique will be used to target the receptor of Vitamin D which will add to the study of bone and gut diseases by the two parties. We aim to generate data to add to finalise a paper and to apply for collaborative grants.

Key findings

Gut inflammation and disease, Osteoarthritis, Vitamin D
Alternative titleVitaminD in gut and Osteoarthritis disease
Effective start/end date23/06/1831/07/18


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