Exploring Childhood Studies in the Global South

Project Details


Awarded one of a number of British Academy Rising Star Awards for a project which sought to bring together researchers exploring childhood and children’s lives in diverse contexts in the Global South to engage in theory development using the various empirical studies that have been produced on Southern childhoods as a starting point for dialogue and action. This was achieved through two initiatives.
A three-day workshop which aimed to stimulate discussion was organised for 30 childhood researchers with various levels of experience working within diverse Southern contexts including those based within institutions in the South.
In order to broaden the dialogue beyond the workshop participants, a website was developed which hosts a virtual network of childhood scholars to continue the discussion that was initiated during the workshop: www.southernchildhoods.org.
Alternative titleBritish Academy Rising Star Award
Effective start/end date26/02/1531/03/17

Structured keywords

  • SPS Children and Families Research Centre


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