Project Details


This project aims to bring together a number of Welsh Assembly Government youth policies through the development of an approach to assessing and valuing children and young people’s achievements in social and emotional dispositions.

Programmes and policies aimed at young people generate far more outcomes and benefits than are currently recorded and these are highly contested and poorly articulated. The intention is to develop ways of training professionals to be able to see, judge and monitor young people’s achievements across a range of skills and dispositions (and to better understand what these are) across age groups, settings and geographical areas in Wales.

Ultimately, this will lead to a model where indicators and tools can be selected, based on appropriate guidance, by policy makers or practitioners and used at different levels to evaluate progress. This will enable the real success of programmes and policies to be measured against their original aims.
Effective start/end date1/12/071/12/10

Research Groups and Themes

  • SPS Centre for Research in Health and Social Care


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