• Nejabati, Reza (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


FUTEBOL composes a federation of research infrastructure in Europe and Brazil, develops a supporting control framework, and conducts experimentation-based research in order to advance the state of telecommunications through the investigation of converged optical/wireless networks. Current wireless trends (cell densification, coordinated communication, massive MIMO) pose a new set of challenges that require the joint consideration of optical and wireless network architectures. These problems are of direct impact to emerging economies such as Brazil, with highly heterogeneous infrastructure capabilities and demand, as well as to more established markets such as the EU, which aims to regain its leadership in the next generation of telecommunication technologies. FUTEBOL establishes the research infrastructure to address these research challenges through innovation over this infrastructure, with a consortium of leading industrial and academic telecommunications institutions.
Alternative titleFederated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory
Effective start/end date1/03/1628/02/19


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