HEAT: Homomorphic Encryption Applications and Technology

  • Smart, Nigel P (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


Homomorphic cryptography offers the tantalizing goal of being able to process sensitive information in encrypted form, without needing to compromise on the privacy and security of the citizens and organizations that provide the input data.

The HEAT proposal brings together Europe's leading researchers on homomorphic cryptography (KU LEUVEN, UNIVBRIS and UL), with the leading expertise on lattice based cryptanalysis (UPMC), and three industrial partners with existing interests in the field (CRX, NXP and Thales UK). The goal of HEAT is to produce a step change in the efficiency and applicability of this technology. The proposal leverages existing ground breaking research in Europe, and links this with three industrially contributed case studies as a way of grounding the research in practical issues.
Effective start/end date1/01/1531/12/17


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    Open Access
    2 Downloads (Pure)