Improving the response to e-crime in the payments sector

Project Details


Project Skynet is a EU-funded initiative (European Commission ISEC 2013 Framework) by the City of London Police & Metropolitan Police Service Dedicated Cheque and Plastic Crime Unit (DCPCU), in conjunction with Financial Fraud Action UK, to organise training and development for UK and EU law enforcement agencies (via EUROPOL) to better equip them to combat e-crime attacks on the payment sector. Andrew Charlesworth, Reader in IT Law at the University of Bristol Centre for IT & Law (CITL), is undertaking an initial study designed to facilitate greater understanding of e-crime in the payments sector and identify current and future factors likely to have the greatest impact upon e-payment crime risks and policing strategies. The goal of the project is to ensure regulation, legislation and action by law enforcement, industry and consumers is aligned and focussed on areas which will achieve the best prevention, detection and enforcement outcomes.
Effective start/end date1/10/141/10/16

Research Groups and Themes

  • Centre for Global Law and Innovation
  • Digital Societies


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