Interdisciplinary public engagement event with the Somali communities in Bristol focused on young Somali wellbeing and outcomes

Project Details


Drawing on the concerns of the Bristol Somali forum we have identified the following themes for young people in the Somali communities which warrant further consideration and research effort:
• Mental health and trauma of Somali parents who have migrated and impacts on children and young people
• Identity, belonging and family
• Young people’s educational underachievement and low parental literacy
• Political participation and civic engagement
• Criminalisation of young Somali
• Youth transitions and employment
• Gender
• Environment, physical health and mobility in the city
It is intended that a focused seminar would bring together interested civil society organisations and representatives to discuss these themes and to consider how we as a civic university can best work with the Somali communities to advance knowledge of these issues, identify barriers to social mobility and achievement for Somali young people that may be specific to the Bristol context, and to find creative ways to support addressing some of these issues in a research and public engagement context.
Alternative titleSomali Youth Workshop
Effective start/end date3/11/1728/02/18

Research Groups and Themes

  • SoE Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education
  • SPAIS Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship


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