Investigation of new 'pressure testbed' system and application to composites testing and manufacture

Project Details


EngD Project. New pressure testbed system used in investigation of improving efficiency in composites manufacturing.
Effective start/end date1/11/1331/10/17


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  • Characterisation of a laser plasma betatron source for high resolution x-ray imaging

    Finlay, O. J., Gruse, J.-N., Thornton, C., Allott, R., Armstrong, C., Baird, C. D., Bourgeois, N., Brenner, C. M., Cipiccia, S., Cole, J., Gregory, C., Jamison, S., Katzir, Y., Lopes, N. C., Mangles, S. P. D., Murphy, C. D., Najmudin, Z., Neely, D., Pickard, L. R. & Potter, K. D. & 8 others, Rajeev, P. P., Rusby, D. R., Selwood, M., Symes, D. R., Underwood, C. I. D., Wood, J. C., Thomas, A. G. R. & Streeter, M. J. V., Aug 2021, In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 63, 8, 084010.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    4 Citations (Scopus)
    73 Downloads (Pure)
  • Lab-based in-situ micro-CT observation of gaps in prepreg laminates during consolidation and cure

    Kratz, J., Galvez-Hernandez, P., Pickard, L. R., Belnoue, J. & Potter, K., 1 Jan 2021, In: Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 140, 13 p., 106180.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    18 Citations (Scopus)
    145 Downloads (Pure)
  • Optimisation of betatron X-rays and their applications

    Najmudin, Z., Streeter, M. J., Rakheja, S., Dann, S. J. D., Gruse, J.-N., Underwood, C. I., Antoine, A., Arran, C., Armstrong, C., Backhouse, M., Baird, C. D., Balcazar, M., Bourgeois, N., Brenner, C. M., Cardarelli, J. A., Cipiccia, S., Finlay, O. J., Gregory, C., Hatfield, P. & Katzir, Y. & 24 others, Kang, Y., Krushelnick, K. M., Lopes, N. C., Mangles, S. P. D., Murphy, C. D., Lu, N., Neely, D., Osterhoff, J., Pickard, L. R., Poder, K., Potter, K. D., Pattathil, R., Ridgers, C. P., Rozario, S., Rusby, D. R., Selwood, M. P., Shahani, A. J., Symes, D. R., Thomas, A. G., Thornton, C. R., Underwood, C. I., Warnett, J. M., Williams, M. A. & Wood, J. C., 18 Apr 2021, Applying Laser-driven Particle Acceleration II, Medical and Nonmedical Uses of Distinctive Energetic Particle and Photon Sources: SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Industry Event.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)