Alexander, M., Barter, W., Bay, A., Bel, L. J., Beuzekom, M. V., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T. J. V., Buchanan, E., Buytaert, J., Akiba, K. C., Chen, S., Coco, V., Collins, P., Crocombe, A., Marinho, F. D. C., Dall'Occo, E., Capua, S. D., Dean, C. T. & Dettori, F.
& 47 others,
Dossett, D., Dreimanis, K., Dujany, G., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Harrison, J., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Ilten, P., Jans, E., John, M., Kopciewicz, P., Koppenburg, P., Lafferty, G., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Majewski, M. W., McNulty, R., Mylroie-Smith, J., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Parkes, C., Pearce, A., Poluektov, A., Pritchard, A., Qian, W., Redford, S., Richards, S., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Sarpis, G., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Smith, M., Smith, N. A., Szumlak, T., Velthuis, J. J., Volkov, V., Wallace, C., Wark, H. M., Webber, A., Williams, M. R. J. & Williams, M.,
Jun 2018,
In: Journal of Instrumentation. 13,
13 p., P06008.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article (Academic Journal) › peer-review