LHCb upgrade bridging funds

Project Details

Effective start/end date1/01/141/04/14


Explore the research topics touched on by this project. These labels are generated based on the underlying awards/grants. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
  • Mapping the material in the LHCb vertex locator using secondary hadronic interactions

    Alexander, M., Barter, W., Bay, A., Bel, L. J., Beuzekom, M. V., Bogdanova, G., Borghi, S., Bowcock, T. J. V., Buchanan, E., Buytaert, J., Akiba, K. C., Chen, S., Coco, V., Collins, P., Crocombe, A., Marinho, F. D. C., Dall'Occo, E., Capua, S. D., Dean, C. T. & Dettori, F. & 47 others, Dossett, D., Dreimanis, K., Dujany, G., Eklund, L., Evans, T., Ferro-Luzzi, M., Gersabeck, M., Gershon, T., Hadavizadeh, T., Harrison, J., Hennessy, K., Hulsbergen, W., Hutchcroft, D., Ilten, P., Jans, E., John, M., Kopciewicz, P., Koppenburg, P., Lafferty, G., Latham, T., Leflat, A., Majewski, M. W., McNulty, R., Mylroie-Smith, J., Oblakowska-Mucha, A., Parkes, C., Pearce, A., Poluektov, A., Pritchard, A., Qian, W., Redford, S., Richards, S., Rinnert, K., Rodrigues, E., Sarpis, G., Schiller, M., Schindler, H., Smith, M., Smith, N. A., Szumlak, T., Velthuis, J. J., Volkov, V., Wallace, C., Wark, H. M., Webber, A., Williams, M. R. J. & Williams, M., Jun 2018, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 13, 6, 13 p., P06008.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    23 Citations (Scopus)
    393 Downloads (Pure)
  • Development of a silicon bulk radiation damage model for Sentaurus TCAD

    Folkestad, Å., Akiba, K., Beuzekom, M. V., Buchanan, E., Collins, P., Dall’Occo, E., Canto, A. D., Evans, T., Lima, V. F., Pardiñas, J. G., Schindler, H., Vicente, M., Diaz, M. V. & Williams, M., 1 Dec 2017, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 874, p. 94-102

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

    Open Access
    16 Citations (Scopus)
    517 Downloads (Pure)