Non-ergodic dynamics and topological-sector fluctuations in layered high-temperature superconductors

  • Faulkner, Michael (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


Two-dimensional systems with XY symmetry are governed by emergent long-range electrostatic interactions between topological defects in the condensate-phase field of thin-film and layered quantum condensates (e.g., superconductors). We showed that a nonergodicity in the condensate-phase field results from the emergent electrostatics, and drives a phase transition between the normal and superconducting states. I'm now investigating the dynamics of this nonergodicity to explain the large nonergodic electrical-resistance fluctuations that were recently measured in lanthanum strontium copper oxide at the superconducting transition.

Layman's description

Superconductivity is a state in which the electrical resistance of certain materials becomes zero at low temperatures. Two-dimensional and layered superconducting materials are governed by emergent long-range interactions, which drive a phase transition between the normal and superconducting states. The same physics also occurs in a wide variety of other experimental systems, including magnetic films and layers, cold-atom systems, superfluid and superinsulating films, Josephson-junction arrays, and liquid-crystal and polymer films. I’m currently further developing my model of the mechanics of the phase transition to improve its predictive power.
Alternative titleNonergodicity in two-dimensional systems with XY symmetry
Effective start/end date1/08/1718/10/23


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