Online advice to carers: an updated review of local authority websites in England

  • Willis, Paul B (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


Funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research, this rapid study examined the provision of online information for unpaid carers during the Covid-19 pandemic in England. It follows a similar NIHR SSCR-funded study conducted in 2016, led by Professor Liz Lloyd. Publicly available information on the websites of 150 local authorities in England was searched (August – December 2020) to identify support available to carers. We aimed to identify:
1) how local authorities use their websites to inform and advise carers about support and services available to them;
2) how support and services for carers are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Effective start/end date20/07/2031/07/21

Structured keywords

  • SPS Centre for Research in Health and Social Care


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