Palæoclimate & Environment Data Generation – Building Open Access to Research Data

Project Details


The PEG-BOARD project is topic-led, focusing on management of palæoclimate data, an important research area today as a result of the worldwide focus on anthropocentric climate change. This data is presently reused by many communities: palæoclimate research, predictive climate models, oceanography, atmospheric and earth science, biology and ecology, mathematics, archæology, teaching in HE, and the media, publishing scientific communications for a global audience.

Layman's description

The project focuses on enabling open access to historical climate data in a systematic, managed environment. PEG-BOARD explores the data management needs of a palæoclimate research group and the linked ecosystem of researchers, including named project partners and associates active in Earth Sciences (University of Leeds), Archæology (University of Southampton) and journalism/​broadcasting (BBC). It examines identification of requirements, social, policy and technical, within and without the core institutions that make up BRIDGE, and on the adaptation (or development) and deployment of a pilot data management infrastructure.
Effective start/end date1/10/0930/06/11


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