Researching analogue games for higher education teaching about interconnected challenges: a collaboration with Bristol game designer community

Project Details


The research aim is to first initiate a collaboration with the Bristol game designer community, to then explore how interdisciplinarity can be taught and learnt through pedagogical development of a card game, preliminarily called ‘Business-as UNusual’. The game designer community will contribute actively to the pedagogic development, the methods and content for teaching interdisciplinarity within Higher Education. Together, we expect to explore how an analogue game can create a safe holding environment for learning about potentially conflicting requirements arising with interconnected challenges. For example, tensions between environmental, social, and economic responsibilities within businesses. The Brigstow funding supports the first step of the pedagogic research project in the form of a) developing a collaboration with the local game designer community b) exploring how a pilot version of the game could be designed c) creating and testing the pilot version in the local community of adult gamers, and d) identifying further research questions about teaching and learning interdisciplinarity through analogue games, useful for complementary applications for funding.
Effective start/end date1/01/2531/07/25

Research Groups and Themes

  • Analogue games
  • Co-creation
  • Education research
  • Interconnected challenges
  • Interdisciplinary


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