'Rough Sex'

Project Details


This research project explores experiences of non-consensual 'rough sex'. This refers to aggressive, violent and/or humiliating behaviours which occur during intimate interactions and which are unprompted, unexpected and unwanted.

The term is contested and arguably rape, sexual assault or physical assault may better describe what occurs. There has been important work on fatal and non-fatal strangulation, for example: see work by We Can't Consent to This (https://wecantconsenttothis.uk/). Research suggests that there are a range of experiences occurring within brief, medium or long-term encounters and relationships (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-50546184) and that the criminal justice response has been insufficient (see Bows and Herring (eds.) 2022, 'Rough Sex' and the Criminal Law: Global Perspectives).

The research seeks to understand better how 'rough sex' is perceived and experienced and what individuals who have experienced non-consensual rough sex might want in terms of help-seeking, accountability or justice.

The work also explores participants' views on the relationship between these unwanted experiences and popular culture and mainstream pornography representations of 'rough sex'.

Data collection was undertaken during research leave in 2022. This combined an anonymous online survey and a focus group discussion. Publications will be submitted for peer review in 2024 and, once published, will be linked to this page.

Preliminary findings were presented at the International Academy of Sex Research Fiftieth Meeting in Berlin, Germany 21-23 July 2024.
Effective start/end date1/03/2231/12/24

Research Groups and Themes

  • SPS Centre for Gender and Violence Research


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